I know...right about now you're going, "Dammit! Another year of school."...I couldn't agree with you any more. And just because we're killing ourselves with APs and PSATs and SATs and SAT 2s, gee, no problem, we'll have plenty of time for fun! Woo hoo! Let the party begin!

Beware...today is:

Only days 'til comps.....AAAHHHH!!!!!! (El "No Bueno" Ultimo)

links to places that can provide legit news - Current Event/Research Paper Heaven!

- Mike Lee's Unofficial C/O 2002 Page!...sign his guestbook people.

- Club Kaibigan...100% Filipino!

Links to some useful tools
- Homework help @ About.com

How to make a Bibliography
How to make a Works Cited Page
Foreign Language Translator - English to Spanish, French, Italian, etc. and vice versa.
Telemundo - news in Spanish/English; it only has a few stories, so it makes a good backup.

Day - Date(s)
Class/Teacher: Assignment name [comments] (due date)

Weekend- 9/7-9/9
Marine Bio: read chapters 1 & 2; hypotheses for the sharks, "do" the scientific method for the blue thing and the electromagnet
Comp Sci: test
AP English/Smilde: read Act 1 of MacBeth
AP Spanish: amsco read pages 1-2, exercises A-C; album read 'sala de espera', make vocab list, answer 'comprension' questions on pages 10-11

Monday - 9/10

Tuesday - 9/11

Wednesday - 9/12

Thursday - 9/13

Upcoming Tests

Ongoing Projects/Stuff

Study Guides

Other Stuff
Complete Spanish 3 Vocab (Right Click, Save Target As)

Comp Schedule
First Quarter: Wednesday, Novermber 7, 3&2; Thursday, November 8, 7&5; Friday, November 9, 4&6
Second Quarter:
Third Quarter:
Fourth Quarter Senior Comp Schedule:
Fourth Quarter Underclassmen Comp Schedule:

COMP Study Guides

Did I miss something? You wanna contribute?   E-mail me

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